I'd love to hear from you!
Let's work together on licensing, commissions, or other collaborations. Or just say hi and let's be friends!
Please email me at hi at madelinewong dot ca, or fill out the form below.

Thanks! I'll get back to you ASAP.
Not ready to write to me yet? I get it. I also cringe at this stuff. And once you start a conversation, how is it even gonna go? Are you obligated to keep it going? What if you don't click? So many questions. Clearly I'm old enough to have dated the old-fashioned way, or I would've never found a husband. Anyways. I digress. The point is, I'm on Instagram and Cara! Feel free to check out more of my stuff first or drop me a message on either platform. Feels like less of a commitment than email somehow. ;)